
August 22, 2014

Teo wrote:

Last night on our third attempt at heroic Norushen we were able to take down the Amalgam of Corruption (the actual Norushen boss). The first two attempts were us just trying to figure out how many to send into the orbs at one time so that we could beat the enrage timer. The second time we were at 3% left when the timer hit, and on heroic when the timer hits... you are dead.

For loots: - After seemingly months of whining about 'when do I get a new dagger,' 'I have this LFR one that doesn't do any damage', etc. Boodicca got Norushen's Shortblade http://www.wowhead.com/item=104454 (And really big congrats to her, she deserves it!) - Brightstars obtained Boots of Broken Reliance. http://www.wowhead.com/item=104471 (Yay! more heals to Teo!!) - Dreyauc obtained Blight Hurlers. http://www.wowhead.com/item=104471 (Last thing we need is for him to have better gear and get moar dps! Now all we'll hear is hey look at me doing a million dps again, ... and again,.... and again.....) (... and grats! I am glad that you got them.) Thanyss obtained Bracers of Blind Hatred. http://www.wowhead.com/item=104460 (Good for you Than!)

And Teo got..... nothin'. No, I'm not bitter. Really. ;)

Truthfully, Grats all for the heroic win and for those that received loot. Now let's get some more!

PS: We did have some real good attempts on heroic Immerseus and Fallen Protectors. So they should go down soon.